Monday, September 19, 2005

Most popular body parts in the English language

This is an excellent word count tool that presents "86,800 most frequently used English words, ranked in order of commonness".

Also interesting is query count, the most common queries in wordcount. The results are not exactly surprising (see below).

Some of the results:
Most talked about
body parts
We are most
curious about:

Head: 222
Hand: 238
Face: 246
Eyes: 291
Hair: 682
Feet: 698

Fingers: 1769
Lips: 2026
Nose: 2335
Ears: 3168
Palm: 5937
Thumb: 6487
Toes: 6895
Fingerprints: 18785
Pinky: 40363


See: 85
Feel: 329
Hear: 704
Touch: 1539
Taste: 2429
Smell: 2633

Ass: 9
T*ts: 75
Hair: 495
Hand: 545
Finger: 699
Face: 749
Lips: 2543
Thumb: 5024

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From querycount:

hand = 555
rank = 554

hungry = 732
finger = 733

flavour = 5455
thumb = 5456
weenie = 5457

from wordcount:

raising = 2997
finger = 2998

switching = 6486
thumb = 6487